From contact at Wed Apr 2 10:38:24 2003 From: contact at (New York PHP) Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2003 07:38:24 -0800 (PST) Subject: Training, PHPCon 20% Discount, Early Bird Special Message-ID: <> Seats are filling up for the PHP and AMP Technology Training, two full day sessions, April 21-22. Get a primer for PHPCon and make it a PHP week. See PHPCon has extended it's early bird registration deadline to April 7th, 2003. Plus, you can still use NYPHP's special discount code to save an additional 20%. Use password: newyorkphp and register at Complete show details available at ------------------ New York PHP contact at From contact at Tue Apr 15 12:22:44 2003 From: contact at (New York PHP) Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 09:22:44 -0700 (PDT) Subject: now@nyphp: Zeev Suraski, v2.0 Site Launch, NYPHP News Message-ID: <> --- It's all at --- Good day, What a busy month April is! First, is the exciting news that Zeev Suraski of Zend Technologies will be at the NYPHP April meeting (please RSVP by sending a message to rsvp at Also, NYPHP is very pleased to launch v2.0, thanks to the great efforts of the NYPHP Development team: Stefan Antonowicz Alexander Chan Chris Hendry Jeff Knight Peter Lehrer Peter Sawczynec And a special thank you to team leaders Jeff K. and Peter S., Director Daniel Krook, and everyone who has helped over the last couple of months. The new site is still very much a work in progress, so we're eager to hear about suggestions or errors. And, feel free to get involved! It's been a fun and educational last couple of months, with a lot more projects in the pipeline. [ contact at ] And, thanks to Michael Southwell, NYPHP has the April edition of New York PHP News ready at which is packed this month with articles from O'Reilly, MySQL, Zend, PHP and more. Lastly, there's new events happening everyday at NYPHP, so please keep an eye on for the latest. New York PHP From noreply at Mon Apr 21 11:52:07 2003 From: noreply at (Hans Zaunere) Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2003 08:52:07 -0700 (PDT) Subject: tomorrow@nyphp: Zeev Suraski: Open Q&A Session and Enterprise PHP Solutions Message-ID: <> --- Details and RSVP at --- This will be another packed meeting, with a lot of material to cover. Please arrive on time and RSVP. New York PHP Presents... April 22nd, 2003 @ 6:30pm at Digital Pulp, Inc. "Zeev Suraski: Open Q&A Session and Enterprise PHP Solutions" New York PHP is delighted to host Zeev Suraski, Co-founder and CTO Zend Technologies, at a very special April meeting. An avid software architect, Zeev co-authors PHP's driving force, the Zend Engine, and contributes many of the vital APIs that makes the language what it is today. Through the Open Source development model, Zeev contributes key extensions to the PHP Group and community. Few know PHP like Zeev, on both technical and operational fronts. Join New York PHP this month as Zeev sits down with us for an open Q&A session and walks us through Zend's PHP enterprise offerings. If you've ever asked "Can PHP do that?", "Is PHP ready?" or "What's next?" you'll want to join us this month, for definitive answers from PHP central developer and architect, Zeev Suraski. As always this meeting is free and open to the public, with complete meeting and location details at - and please be sure to RSVP by sending a message to rsvp at so we can prepare enough seating and drinks. Thank you, ===== Hans Zaunere President, New York PHP noreply at From daniel at Wed Apr 30 08:55:09 2003 From: daniel at (Daniel Kushner) Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2003 08:55:09 -0400 Subject: PHP-Con Follow-Up - Save 30% Message-ID: In response to enquiries at PHPCon, New York PHP and Zend cooperate to offer a special savings for our members. Zend Studio 2.6 Plus is loaded with new features and enhancements, including 1 year of support. If you order by May 17th and use special offer code NYPHP518 you'll receive a 30% discount. Order at and be sure to use special code NYPHP518 to receive the discount. Regards, Daniel Kushner Vice President, New York PHP daniel at