[nycphp-announce] TOMORROW at nyphp: iPHP - PHP and IBM i

New York PHP hostmaster at
Mon Feb 22 09:20:03 EST 2010

February General Meeting:
iPHP - PHP and IBM I
PHP Case Study on IBM i: Moving to the web with PHP

         Date: February 23rd, 2010 at 6:30PM (sharp)
     Location: IBM, 590 Madison Avenue, New York, NY (12th Floor)
RSVP Required: (all attendees MUST RSVP)
 Post-Meeting: TGI Fridays at Lexington and 56th (about 8pm)

This freezing February's meeting is brought to you by the letters i, P, and
H.  While iPHP may sound like the latest product from Apple, the famed IBM i
can in fact join forces with PHP to deliver an alphabet soup of powerful
solutions.  Join long time New York PHP member, Zend Framework SIG manager,
and resident polyglot Alan Seiden, as he tames these letters, and introduces
us to this powerful letter salmagundi.

PHP Case Study on IBM i: Moving to the web with PHP

Alan Seiden will present a case study of how he took a IBM i-based
green-screen order entry application and created a new PHP web interface
that still runs 100% on the IBM i. He will include details of how he re-used
most of the back-end RPG logic while adding new functionality that users

Alan will also provide an update on Zend Server, the new and improved
version of PHP on the i.

Anyone who wants to learn about developing PHP-based web applications on the
'i' will benefit from this talk. Alan will show you how to get started and
then how to build your skills.

Alan Seiden helps companies implement PHP and Zend Framework-based
solutions, especially on IBM i. He is senior developer and consultant at
Strategic Business Systems, Inc., a New Jersey-based partner of IBM and

Being an early adopter and advocate of PHP-based web applications on the IBM
i, Alan was a charter member of IBM/COMMON's PHP Advisory Board and served
as a consultant for the IBM manual PHP: Zend Core for i5/OS.

In 2009, Alan's work was honored with the IBM/COMMON Power Systems
Innovation Award for "Best Web Application," for Allied Beverage Group's
e-commerce site, developed with the team at Strategic Business Systems,
using PHP and Zend Framework on IBM i.

He has spoken at Northeast System i User Groups, New York PHP,  Chicago
OMNI, and ZendCon, delivering what one participant called "an upbeat message
about what we can accomplish."

Read the full description and RSVP at

Thank you to IBM for providing a great presentation space in Midtown
Manhattan. As a service to our community, New York PHP Community meetings
are always free and open to the public.

Come prepared with a business card to enter book and software raffles.

         Date: February 23rd, 2010 at 6:30PM (sharp)
     Location: IBM, 590 Madison Avenue, New York, NY (12th Floor)
RSVP Required: (all attendees MUST RSVP)
 Post-Meeting: TGI Fridays at Lexington and 56th (about 8pm)

You must RSVP within 30 days of the meeting you attend - that means RSVP

New York PHP User Group Community

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