[nycphp-jobs] Seeking PHP developer

Yevgeny Ioffe yevgeny at
Mon Oct 17 19:06:35 EDT 2005

Established educational software company in Boston is in search of an
experienced PHP developer who possesses the following:

- Bachelor's degree or higher is required
- 2-4 years of deep, full-time PHP experience (knowledge of other scripting
languages is highly recommended)
- Detailed understanding of multi-tier web application architecture
- Strong understanding of OOP and MVC concepts (especially Mojavi)
- Strong understanding of templating engines, especially Smarty
- Knowledge of JavaScript and CSS
- Intermediate to expert knowledge of Linux/Unix
- Experience with databases
- Positive attitude and willingness to learn new technologies and concepts
- Ability to work effectively in a small team environment
- Excellent oral and written communication skills
- Has the "whatever it takes" attitude

For consideration, please email to yevgeny at
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