[nycphp-jobs] Xcart/shopping cart/ecommerce black belt needed

Joshua S. Freeman jfreeman at
Sat Jul 8 12:25:22 EDT 2006


This is not, at present an offer of full-time employment but it *could*
become that in the future.  For now, this is a one-off project.

I am looking for someone who either:

1) really knows their way around Xcart or.

2) really knows their way around PHP5/MySQL5 and Smarty has
ecommerce/shopping cart experience and wants to GET to know their way around
Xcart and its various add-ons.

Rather than get into the details of the project at hand let me just say that
there is an excellent, fulfilling opportunity here for the right person.

Working off-site (off shore even) is probably fine for the right individual.

Please email me something about yourself, your experience, some URLS and how
you contributed... Anything that will show me that you're a very experienced
developer and worker ... How to contact you would be good.. And if you have
specific rates you'd like me to know about include that too.




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