[nycphp-jobs] LAMP Developer Opportunity

pcps at pcps at
Fri Jun 23 16:15:28 EDT 2006

David Ngo wrote:

>Maybe its shitty?
>--- Rolan Yang <rolan at> wrote:
>>Heh, why doesn't the client use their own service to
>>find a developer? ;)
>>Hill, Tyler (294) wrote:
>>>We are Robert Half Technology:
>>>Our client is an online matching/job bidding

A PHP job posting on a major job board:  $300
A chance to post job openings for free in front of thousands of the best 
PHP coders in the world at NYPHP:    $0

Having your job post critiqued on that same list, in front of thousands, 
by independent coders earning far more than your 3 month contact 
position offers for a 5 year veteran programmer :   priceless

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