[nycphp-jobs] Sr. Web Developer Position

Benjamin vonWurmb Ben at
Wed Sep 20 12:12:57 EDT 2006

Senior Web Developer


My client is a small, dynamic online publishing company of travel sales
and specials. The position is in a fast, energetic environment working
with marketing, editors/producers, and ad sales. Our website and
newsletter have millions of readers and we are growing rapidly!


This position requires in-depth knowledge of both front-end and back-end
technologies. You will be intimately involved with defining processes
and must be able to work well with others during all stages of the
development cycle.



*	Advanced knowledge of PHP 5, specifically OO aspects of the
*	Experience with Ruby on Rails is a plus.
*	Experience with Linux and Apache.
*	Expert understanding of JavaScript, HTML, and the DOM (AJAX).
*	Expert understanding of object oriented design.
*	Experience with N-Tier Architecture.
*	Experience with both MySQL and MS SQL Server.
*	DBA skills highly desired.
*	Love of open source development and standards-based development.
*	Internationalization experience is a plus.
*	Strong communication skills.
*	Able to multi-task and project manage well.

Please send resumes to me at ben at


This is a fulltime position in New York City.





Benjamin vonWurmb

Senior Account Executive


62 W 45th, 4th Floor

New York, NY 10036

Phone: 212-268-7300 x22

Fax: 866-597-8966

ben at <> 

View my LinkedIn Profile <> 

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