[nycphp-jobs] PHP / Apache Repairman needed!

John Paul Lorenti jplorenti at
Sun Sep 23 13:57:45 EDT 2007

Hi Jason,

I've been programming in PHP for around 5 years and administering Apache for
longer than that. I can probably solve whatever problem you've gotten
yourself into. I'm free this afternoon, so if you need something done
quickly, hopefully we can work out an agreement.


John Paul
(917) 701-9051

On 9/23/07, Jason Gottschalk <Jason at> wrote:
> Hello jobs,
>   I have done a bad thing with my server.
>   I have a position open for a PHP/Apache installer/programmer.
>   Time line: Should a short one, hopefully just a few hours.
>   Interested individuals can e-mail me for the details of what I did
>   to mess this up:)
>   Please provide short history of experience and availability.
>   I'll be patiently waiting by my computer!
> --
> Best regards,
> Jason Gottschalk                         mailto:Jason at SYO.Com
> SYO Computer Engineering Services, Inc.
> SYO - Servicing Your Organization
> 586-286-2557
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