[nycphp-jobs] IT training company looking for a talented PHP developer

Adam Chng adam at
Fri Apr 18 19:10:57 EDT 2008

Okay, we are NOT a web development company, a consulting company, an
e-commerce company, an online web 2.0 firm, a start up company etc.


But, we're not BORING either. What we are is a world-class IT training

We developed a custom in house ERP system that is just about as advanced as
anything out there for training companies.


That system took us from our modest beginnings to one of the fastest growing
companies in America. Last year we won a very coveted learning partner award
out of 1400 companies, worldwide because of it. We grew from 3 people to 65
today because of it. (and still growing rapidly by the month) We're looking
for someone to help us take this system and move it to the next level and
take over the world. (okay, at least in the United States, first)


We have a very small team of 3, close knit developers working on this
system. We're looking to add one more to our family. We don't believe in
numbers, having dozens of developers. We believe in talent and teamwork.
We're looking for a talented, unpretentious, world-class developer to join
our team.


Needless to say, the candidate must possess stellar PHP skills, SQL skills
and DHTML/CSS/JavaScript/Ajax skills. Some Linux skills would be a plus. 

If you are a beginner, that's fine as well, as long as you are talented,
hungry to learn and hardworking.


Salary will be depending on experience. Our offices are located in the
Empire State Building so travel to the city is a must. 

We will not entertain remote developers, outsourcing companies.  Principal
candidates only and must be legally authorized to work in the US.


If you feel we are right for you, then send your resume to:
adam at




Adam Chng

NetCom Information Technology








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