[nycphp-jobs] Freelance Remote PHP/MySQL gig with about 5+ yrsofexp & good client references

k at k at
Sat Aug 9 20:34:20 EDT 2008

> we have all in some way or another had to feel the pain
> of cleaning up someone else's code mess

and it's also true that, albeit painful, cleanup work can easily account
for half of the new business development in any freelancer's career... i
for one have been dealing with four-year+ old code for one company for
which i currently consult (and have been for over a year) and the former
developer did such a poor job that the expectations are rather low and the
client is utterly grateful for any and all improvements i suggest and
implement... it's not as interesting as new development which uses your
own sense of best-practice, but it sure can be lucrative!

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