[nycphp-jobs] Please remove me from you distribution list

Hans Zaunere lists at
Wed Aug 13 09:55:17 EDT 2008

> I have been trying to get off the list as well but they won't let me off....

Yeah, we won't let you leave...

Folks, this is a mailing list.  If you've been able to subscribe, note the email address that you're receiving the mail on and unsubscribe.  If you don't know, look at the email header.

Regardless, this is easily done at:

And a quick note on the list in general...

Lately there's been a lot of traffic.  As I mentioned in my previous post, while we want to avoid flames and list noise as we do on all NYPHP mailing lists, this is after all a mailing list.

This means useful discussion is welcomed and will not be moderated.

If you're here to either post your resume, scalp resumes, or find that "perfect developer" without knowing the market, then you are encouraged to subscribe and unsubscribe as suits your needs.

That said, we are considering developing a moderated list with a web form, time permitting, that will only allow open positions to be posted.  Thoughts, feedback?  Help/moderators?

Hans Zaunere / President / New York PHP  / 

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