[nycphp-jobs] Please remove me from you distribution list

Matt Juszczak matt at
Wed Aug 13 15:26:51 EDT 2008

>> Hans,
>> I would be willing to moderate that list.  Although, that solution seems to 
>> already exist in the market place and I am not sure we really need it.
>> I think there is something unique about how our job list works and it feels 
>> like a real meritocracy and provides for a open two way channel.  If we cut 
>> off half that, then we become more like a media channel and the 
>> conversation becomes one sided.  I would like to imagine that our 
>> complaints (suggestions) about the job listings have improved the quality 
>> of them.
>> Maybe I am alone, but I have  found the recent discourse on this list to be 
>> of more value then the talk list and would like to keep it lively. If we 
>> give the recruiters a way out, a 'safe harbor' for posting, then we opt to 
>> exclude ourselves from half the conversation.  Your email the other day 
>> really outlined why this list is important and worthwhile.

I agree.  We should in no way modify the functionality of the jobs list. 
It is incredibly helpful the way it is.


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