[nycphp-jobs] Got a Great Big Idea - Need a Developer/Partner to Make it Happen

Joseph Crawford codebowl at
Wed Aug 20 10:07:31 EDT 2008

I have a great big idea too, there are only 2 main competitors..  
downfall is i do not have the ability to fund the project even though  
i would do all the programming myself there is server admin, front end  
designer / js guys etc.

The only way I could get this off the ground would be to use a  
template (i refuse to) or get friends to join in the deal.

Trying to sell something to someone for 10% of ZERO is not going to  

On Aug 19, 2008, at 9:24 PM, New Media Concept wrote:

> I've got a pretty good idea that's been brewing in my head for quite  
> a while. It's ambitious, audacious, and certainly a challenge, but  
> at the same time, it's so audacious that it deserves nothing less  
> than a real try.
> I used to work in the media industry and came to the painful  
> realization that it's probably the only industry that does an  
> incredibly poor job of bringing in new people and new ideas. At the  
> same time the media industry hasn't changed much even as technology  
> has given it the potential to solve many of these issues. The end  
> result is more misses than hits, and promising original talent being  
> burned out as they tire out from trying to get their lucky break. I  
> think it's time to change that.
> I've spoken to several tech and marketing execs who all agree that  
> this is an idea that is entirely feasible and self sustainable, and  
> therefore worth trying at the very least. I've spoken with others in  
> the industry, including other artists and creatives, who all tell me  
> that they and everyone they know would jump at the chance to partake  
> in that concept because something like this has been sorely lacking  
> in the industry for nearly it's entire history. So in the end, it  
> could be at the very least a self sustainable and unique niche site,  
> or be even more, and disrupt and shift the entire industry.
> It's not a concept that can be deployed overnight, but whose  
> features can be logically implemented over time to create an ever  
> more full featured product. The first iteration of the concept would  
> be simple and could be up and running fairly fast(in fact a simple  
> prototype using open source resources was built and successfully  
> tested). However I need someone who will be able to take it beyond  
> that, and keep it going as new pieces of the puzzle are being  
> implemented and thought up.
> I'm going to need a good LAMP developer who knows how to work with  
> UGC and a CMS, and wants to be part of building an idea that might  
> carry them for the long haul. I'm really looking for my long term  
> technical team/partner(s) to really make this idea and vision happen.
> So if you went through the trouble of reading all that and don't  
> think I'm a nut for daring to think big, shoot me an email with your  
> qualifications and I'll let you know more of the details.
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