[nycphp-jobs] Wanted: Geocoding Ninja

Matthew Knight matt at
Mon Aug 25 13:22:26 EDT 2008


ETL gig involving bulk-geocoding a table of Location names.  You'll need to be familiar with the Geonames service (and perhaps Yahoo/Google geocoding APIs) and have solid SQL skills.

You'll be given 3 MySQL tables:

1.) A "Locations" table containing 7400 international locations.  Each location row has a "parent id" defined, creating a hierarchical relationship between the various locations.  So, more precise names can be created by recursively concatenating the location names together.  For example:

-- World (id = 0, parent = null)
   -- United States  (id = 100, parent = 0)
      -- New York (id = 200, parent = 100)
          -- Montauk (id = 300, parent = 200)

2.) A table of US zip codes (will help to disambiguate some US locations).  
3.) A table of country codes (will help to break up the lookups into country chunks)

Your delivarable:
1.) A plan/approach to geocoding.  This will outline the steps you'll take before doing any work.
     For example, perhaps you'd want to join countries -> locations, pull geonames feeds for those countries, break down the lookups by country.  Also, what's your plan for disambuating the lookup results?  If you want to write a loop that hits geonames 7500 times with a raw location name, thank you in advance for not replying.  :)

2.) An updated Locations table containing 5 new fields:
     a.) lat coord
     b.) long coord
     c.) foreign key to the US zip code table (if applicable)
     d.) foreign key to the Country table
     e.) geonames ID
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