[nycphp-jobs] UI Developer for Event Ticket Aggregation Site

Jesse Lawrence jlawrence73 at
Sat Dec 27 11:05:33 EST 2008

Pre-venture funded company developing innovative site for event tikceting
marketplace is looking for PHP UI developer.  We think we've figured out the
Kayak for event tickets in the secondary market and are looking for someone
who can deveop a kick ass PHP-based/Ajax UI.

We have built the backend/database and are finishing the design mock-ups for
the 3-4 main site pages.  Once design will be complete in next couple weeks,
we want to start coding the UI asap, with the goal of having a alpha/demo
ready in early march

Compensation will be a mix of cash and equity.  Enagagement has short-term
deliverables within the next 2 months, but also looking for someone who can
stay involved on either a full-time or part-time basis, depending on

If interesed, please email me with CV and some examples of sites and we can
schedule some time to talk.

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