[nycphp-jobs] Available: OO PHP 5 / ActionScript Developer (full time)

J J j2006riv at
Wed Jan 2 17:05:55 EST 2008

To whom it may concern,

I am currently representing a senior-level OO PHP 5 Developer who is
looking for a FULL TIME job in the NY/NJ area.

A full resume as well as an OO PHP 5 code sample will be provided to
interested parties.

Thank you


I am an expert PHP developer that has been using PHP for over 10 years. I
work with object-oriented PHP and have an understanding of various MVC
frameworks including Zend, CakePHP, and symfony. I have worked with many
databases, including MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL and others.
I have a strong background in creating database schemas on different
database servers. I work on everything from e-commerce sites to corporate
business client-server applications. I am very passionate about PHP and
web technologies.

My graphics skills are excellent, as I have many years of experience with
Adobe and Macromedia products. I excel at HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flash
and other web technologies, including audio and video software. I develop
cross-platform, cross-browser solutions for Mac, Windows, and Linux. My
career started as a database programmer working with Windows and Unix
systems. From there I have developed much interest and a lot of
professional experience in different programming languages and multimedia
software. I am also very good at writing documentation and can easily
produce excellent video training tutorials for users, partners, or
business associates.

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