[nycphp-jobs] job: Sr. PHP developer - startup - Union Square NYC

Steve Manes smanes at
Thu Jul 17 11:59:33 EDT 2008

Jaz-Michael King wrote:
> Change of pace: I run a small Web shop (six people) inside a 300 employee
> non-profit health care quality improvement company. I need a PHP/MySQL Web
> developer to work on report cards that educate the public on which
> hospitals, health plans, nursing homes and the like perform better than
> others.
 > ...

FWIW, this is a good job post.  It's conversational, personal and sounds 
like a human being on the other end, not a skillset data dump.  It tells 
me what I'd be doing.  It gives me information about the company and the 
commitment of its management.  It reveals the salary range and benefits. 
  The salary and demographics don't work for me but that's fine.  They 
haven't wasted my time and I'm not going to waste theirs.

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