[nycphp-jobs] looking for medium size projects

Paul A Houle paul at
Tue Aug 25 15:50:12 EDT 2009

Web wrote:
> I would share this with my friends but I don't have any friends in India.
> Nor do I get work from India.
> That's why I'm on this NEW YORK PHP list.  For New York PHP jobs.  NEW 
> Start your own IndiaPHP list.
> Thank you,
    People in India don't get work from India.  A big drop in the dollar 
would be good because it would bring jobs back to the US and encourage 
other countries to develop balanced local markets in goods and services.

    There are some world-class organizations in India,  and there are a 
lot of smaller ones that aren't so good.  Overall,  India tends to 
underprice software development work (and other white collar) done in 
the US by about 2/3.  In the better cases,  you're paying for more 
people and for people to manage the extra people,  and get good 
results.  In the worst cases,  you just get ripped.

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