[nycphp-jobs] looking for medium size projects

Steve Manes smanes at
Thu Aug 27 00:14:02 EDT 2009

Shahan Avedian wrote:
> I am a technical recuriter based out of the NYC area.   I can tell you 
> right now I have jobs paying  150k with 300K total package that we 
> cannot find people for right in Manhattan.  The one's that are qualified 
> are all working and won't consider it.  I speak to consultants all the 
> time who will not get off the sofa unless they get 95.00 per hour.  ( 
> Some would view 95.00 as a pay cut).

Interesting.  How come I haven't seen any of these $300k/year and $95/hr 
consulting gigs posted here?

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