[nycphp-jobs] 2 positions at Columbia Drupal/PHP/MySQL/XSLT

Joshua S. Freeman jf2412 at
Mon Mar 2 13:22:40 EST 2009

My group here at Columbia has two openings.

To see the job postings and apply, please follow these steps:

1) point your browser to ''
2) click on 'search open positions' in the left hand navigation
3) under 'department' select 'information technology'
4) in the search results, scroll down 'til you come to:

The first one you'll see is:

"Senior Application Systems Developer (Sundial) | Morningside |

The second one you'll see says:

"Sr. Interactive Application Systems Developer" / Morningside / 02-04-2009 /
Open Until Filled.... "

We really do need both PHP and XSLT for the second position (we'd love it
for the first as well but it might not say so in the ad.)

Columbia is a great place to work and our team is a really good group of

****IF YOU ARE TRULY QUALIFIED**** I strongly encourage you to apply.


Joshua S. Freeman
Director- CUIT Interactive Services
o: 212.854.2083 | m: 914.233.3557
Skype/YIM: karmester | AIM: varese60

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