[nycphp-jobs] Regarding Larry's Advice / onTechnical Resume

Kristina Anderson ka at
Thu Mar 5 12:14:17 EST 2009

With about 10 years' experience in the IT field, most of it 
consulting, my resume is currently about 3 3/4 pages long.  

I use the standard technical resume format, which first enumerates 
my "technical skills", in a list format, which is useful not only to 
paint a general picture of my background but for keyword searches by 
electronic resume scanners.

It then states, directly underneath the list of skills, my educational 
information including degree and date received, and institution 
attended.  Some say that this should be at the end of a resume where a 
person has substantial experience; I disagree, as this is often a 
deciding factor in whether or not a resume is reviewed in detail, and 
therefore should be in front of the person's face on the front page.

I then have one short paragraph, underneath a heading including dates 
of project, for each of my previous projects.  URLs, where available, 
are at the beginning of said paragraph and in Microsoft Word, are 
clickable.  At the end of each paragraph I enumerate "Technologies 
Used" in a short list, italicized to stand out from the rest of the 

I've had good feedback about this resume  -- and am happy to say that 
it garnered an interview at a wonderful organization where I am now 
happily and gainfully employed in a full time role with excellent 
benefits.   I wish you luck in your job search as well!

Kristina D. H. Anderson
PHP Application Developer
"Building a Better Tomorrow, One Line of Code at a Time"
347 254 2810

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