[nycphp-jobs] Part-time PHP Developer w/ data visualization experience for work at university

Wagner Webmaster wagner.webmaster at
Tue Apr 27 14:21:22 EDT 2010

Job Description
University division is seeking a temporary, part-time programmer to
maintain and develop PHP-based Web applications; create
JQuery/Javascript-based data visualizations; update XSL files for a Web
content management system; support CSS development for mobile services;
and explore emerging technologies. Special interest in and experience
with innovative interaction design is a big plus.

Proficiency with HTML, Javascript, CSS, RSS/XML, XSL, PHP, MySQL,
jQuery, Ajax, Photoshop, and other Web design software is required.

Big Plus: Knowledge of emerging Web technologies (for example Google
Maps APIs, Facebook Apps); experience with Salesforce Apex code
(similar to Java) and PHP Web Services toolkit; familiarity with mobile
web development; and ability to customize Javascript Infovis Toolkit, .

Please email cover letter and resume to wagner.webmaster at 
<mailto:wagner at>.

Thank you!

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