[nycphp-jobs] Jobs for developers who simply love to write code

Mike Brittain mike at
Tue Aug 31 08:44:31 EDT 2010 is looking for talented programmers of all kinds!  We have a number
of positions available in a variety of roles and are looking for bright,
motivated people to join our engineering team.

Feel free to contact me if you'd like to hear more.



*About You:*
You are the kind of developer that can master any programming domain, given
a little time to do so. Ideally you have mastered several in the course of
your career. You write code (at least in part) because you love doing it.
You may have contributed to open source projects.

You have a computer science degree, a related degree, or an utterly
unrelated degree and life experience. Or, no degree at all and life
experience. We celebrate the fact that there are many paths one can take as
an apprentice in the craft of programming.

*About Etsy:*
Founded in 2005, Etsy is a handmade marketplace servicing over a million
active members. Our mission is to reconnect makers with consumers. We are
well-funded and have an amazing board of directors. We have offices in
Brooklyn, San Francisco, and Berlin.

For more information, see:

*What Engineering is like at Etsy:*
Etsy is a large website, and has problems similar to most in its class. You
will learn to work at huge scales.

Our code is written in: everything. Just kidding. It's written in: PHP,
Python, Ruby, Scala, Javascript, Clojure, C, Java, and Matlab. Yes, Matlab.
So as you can see we need people who, ideally, already know everything. Or
failing that, are capable of learning anything.

Comparing Etsy to other places:
* Automated testing is more important to us.
* Job titles and "N years of experience" are less important to us.
* Engineers are expected to be able to manage themselves to a greater
* You will need to learn more about operations (see:

Dogs are part of the team, and are expected to commit code.

For more, see the Etsy engineering blog at
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