[nycphp-jobs] Hire 4+ Experience PHP / Codeigniter / Symfony Developer

Php Programmer php.prog at
Mon Jul 5 01:23:06 EDT 2010

Hi There,

I possess 4+ years of experience in PHP, MYSQL , AJAX, Javascript, Smarty, HTML and XML. I am looking for new projects and maintenance work.

Skills / Languages:

    * Linux (CVS, SVN)
    * PHP
    * MySQL
    * MsSQL
    * Smarty  
    * JQuery  
    * Apache
    * JavaScript
    * AJAX
    * CSS
    * HTML
    * XHTML
    * ASP (Support Only)


PHP Framework:
     * Code Igniter
     * CakePHP
     * Zend Framework
     * Symfony
 Experienced with the following ready-made systems:

    * OS Commerce
    * Zen Cart
    * Joomla
    * PHP BB
    * VB
    * IPB
    * Phorum

Contact me MSN AND YIM: php[DOT]prog[AT]

Thanks and Regard,
Sam ….

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