[nycphp-jobs] Website Development Estimate Request

Perry Garvin garvinpr2 at
Tue May 25 11:40:05 EDT 2010


Looking for a detailed estimate for site development.  Wireframes are here to clarify the site's scope (please do not distribute):

A few notes:

- ExpressionEngine preferred but open to open source solutions.  Please specify.

- A huge part of this project is the flexible presentation of date- and time-based information: the films!  Films may span days, play on single days, or on various days.  Times, however, will be the same for every film date.  See wireframes for the different ways films need to be presented.  The back-end interface for the webmaster must be intuitive and easy to use.  We've looked at this module for ExpressionEngine whose interface we like:

- Other key features include: video embedded with capability for full-screen, modal image popups (Lightbox), JavaScript slideshows, iCal integration, RSS feed of films and events, podcast.

- Client gets about 3,000,000 visitors a year and plans to increase the amount of video it delivers.  With the new site launch, we are expecting larger site growth.  Site should be accessible and optimized for mobile devices (iPhone, Android) but compatibility with Firefox 2+, Safari 2+, IE 7+ is required.  No Flash.

- There is no e-commerce functionality.  All e-commerce is handled by another site.  There will be integration required for email newsletter subscription (likely through ConstantContact or MailChimp).

- The deadline for launch is September 6, 2010.  Wireframes (attached) are not final but 90% there. We need to go through design (expected to be completed July 12, 2010).  We need you to be around for bug-squashing for 90 days after launch.

Two estimates please:

Estimate 1: Front-end programming (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) & Back-end development

Estimate 2: Just back-end development

Please send samples of past work equivalent to this project.

Perry Garvin Studio
310 19th St. #2
Brooklyn, NY 11215
ahoy at

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