[nycphp-jobs] Part-time coder looking for some work

Frank Myers frank at
Wed Mar 16 13:18:49 EDT 2011

PHP, C# ASP.Net and Database Programmer for Part Time Side Work

-- Recent Sites Worked On --
- <>
->Joomla platform from scratch - I worked with designer -
customized nearly every component/module

- <>
->Enterprise level php w custom MVC framework - I do continuous
custom module projects and bug fixes on a part-time basis

- <>
->Enterprise level C# .NET / MS SQL Server - former full time job
- I coded tons of server and database functionality

-- Skills --
Joomla, Drupal and Wordpress expert
- Custom code for core, components, and modules

PHP/MySql Expert
- Form processing, class architecting, custom routines, template
engines, lots of frameworks

Perl, Python and Bash Scripting
- Backup scripts, emailers, db maintenance, db synchronization, etc

C# ASP.NET, Ajax, Spring.Net, Hibernate, SQL Server Enterprise
level programming
- Former jobs in Internet Media, Ad Networks and Pharmaceutical
Industries as C# ASP.Net/SQL Server Developer

XML, XSLT Solutions
- Db query xml transforms, web services, transforms to html

JavaScript Framework Solutions
- Mootools, jQuery, Prototype, Native JavaScript

MySql, SQL Server Database Solutions
- SQL queries, Stored Procedures, Triggers, Table design

Engineering Background - Experienced In All Things Technical
- Comfortable with mathematic and science related problem solving

-- Work Style --
- Short gigs or continuous piece by jobs - can itemize work orders
and give accurate estimates (work hours and time)

- Emphasize clear work item communication and expected results to
avoid misunderstandings

- Available during day-time work hours at least 2 days a week. Also
work on nights and weekends if needed.

- Very responsive with email.

- Invoice via paypal or check.

- Like to make and keep long term relationships.

- New York, NY based

Hope to talk soon!

Frank Myers

website: <>
email: frank at <mailto:frank at>

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