[nycphp-jobs] Looking For Full Time Senior Web Developer zach at
Sat Mar 19 19:20:07 EDT 2011

Exciting opportunity to join a rapidly growing ecommerce company.  My Spice
Sage has been up and running for 3 years and is already the # 1 ecommerce
spice website.  We are constanly innovating both in the fields of ecommerce
and spices.  We are looking for a world class web developer with expertise
in ecommerce, PHP, Javascript, MySQL and integration systems.  We are
looking for somebody who is comfortable within a startup enviroment.  Even
though we are fully established as a leader in our niche, we operate with
the flexibility of a startup.  You will be working side by side with the two
founding members. We are looking for someone with an entrepenurial spirit
who will contribute and be part of our rapid growth.  We have grand visions
for this company and look foward to bringing in the best talent.  Below are
a list of essential skills for this position:

   1. ecommerce
   2. ajax
   3. javascript
   4. systems integration
   5. SEO
   6. web 2.0 technologies
   7. code quality assurance
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