[nycphp-jobs] Synergia-Studio - SEO promotion

Sasa Rakic - Gmail rakics at
Tue Nov 29 19:32:26 EST 2011

Hi there,

I hope this kind of promotion is suitable for this mailing list, so will not
be prosecuted.

In case you are interested in SEO or can find SEO sites/clients, I am
sending short description about our SEO work, currently we are handling over
100 SEO sites, with team of 5 SEO persons, we are able to place 9 out of 10
sites on first page of Google with some keywords within
6 weeks to three months of SEO work.

We do SEO for $450-$1000 depending on site business, lawyers and hospitals
sites are more paid, we do SEO with high quality 
and still we are 50% less expensive than any USA SEO person, I personally
think that quality and ranking of our SEO is higher.

Sending you updated work of SEO for two sites:

Please check complexity of this SEO report and work in range of two months:

We have increase sales for this site 200% within two months, and also number
of visitors/customers
Has come from 120 to 200 per day.

Please check this two SEO YouTube created links for client:

We started with optimization and we see some results already in only two
weeks of work SEO:

For keywords like "website design San Diego" site was not even in
first 100 results on or any other Google version, and now we see
most of results on page 4, that is positions 31-40 for most of Google


I am writing few more words to increase your knowledge about quality of our
SEO work:

This is global mail, explaining what SEO will be done. Payment is pre-paid
at begin of month for that month, minimum SEO work is
Three months in order to have high ranking, if SEO stops doing monthly SEO
work client site ranking will start going down.

Everything that we will do for Your websites will be defined and strategic
plan will be developed for each site individually.

It will also not be fixed, but very live, accurate marketing strategy that
will follow the new rules of web marketing, and they are changing
continually. Some SEO rules are bit different in August than in May this
year. But This little change actually brings a huge impact inside SEO
industry. GOOGLE will continue to change , so every reasonable SEO expert
must adopt new strategy, too.

You have mentioned in Your mail to Sasa : Social Media Marketing, Search
Engine Placement, Search Engine Marketing, Search Engine Optimization,
Search Engine Positioning, ecommerce 

SMM, SEP, SEM, SEO etc,  we will work on this. But, Ecommerce - we will not
work in that area. Well, Not Directly. Better positions an visibility on web
will help Your business on internet, and it will be a huge help for sales.
This much we can do for You.

I will need to learn more about Your sites and your present situation -
positions on Google, so it is necessary for me to have Google Analytic and
Google Web Master Tool information   
of all sites that You want me to work with first. With that info, and with
Your list of keywords (if possible) we will start to make web marketing

I will expect from you to provide good and fresh content (text and video,
pics..) for websites, Blogs, Youtube, Twitter so we can work with that
material further and provide better positions not only of your websites, but
better visibility of your offer on the internet. 

More content You provide, more new media channels We will create.

I will not list here and now every particular channel (list is endless) but
i Will promise that we will cover the best of them, and you will see the
list of what is done in our reports.

Our SEO work is capable to place your site on first page of Google
within 6 weeks to three months of work. Doing marketing
on Face Book, YouTube, Word Press blogs and buying resources
on the net that are increasing ranking of your site. We are doing
weekly report, please check how it look like for one another client in last

Please let me know of you are interested so I can send you more info over
email or
Call you on contact phone.

Best regards,

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