[nycphp-jobs] This NYPHP-Jobs List

Hans Zaunere bulk at
Tue Jan 31 20:51:31 EST 2012


First, thank you to everyone who provided support and feedback offline.

The general feedback is that moderation is a good idea, at least for now.
And so, this list should now be moderated.

This means some delay in seeing posted messages as it will require myself or
someone else to approve each message.

I could use help in managing the moderation requests.  If you'd be willing
help, please contact me directly.

To understand the types of messages that will be accepted, consider the
messages over the last day.  Those are what this list is for.

Lastly, a general thought on mailman and mailing lists.  They have become
antiquated, and as such I've been working in my spare time on a new online
mailing list system.  When finished, we may provide only a web based form
for submitting jobs.  This would have a number of advantages, though time
will tell.

Thanks all,


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