[nycphp-jobs] Seeking WordPress Developer / PHP Generalist

Jon Tascher jontas at
Wed Jul 11 13:46:25 EDT 2012


I'm a freelance PHP / WordPress developer based in NYC.  I've got some
great clients and exciting projects on the horizon.  I've also got a great
problem:  I have more work than I can handle.

I'm looking for someone to help with overflow and eventually become a
partner in my business.  You should be passionate about WordPress and web
development, and be able to start with a PSD and turn it into a working
WordPress theme.

WordPress is about 90% of my work, however, I do have projects in other
frameworks (Cake, Kohana) and just pure PHP, so you should have a good
working knowledge of PHP.

If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, please get in touch.


Jon Tascher
jontas at
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