[nycphp-jobs] Lead PHP Engineer - New Venture

Faraz Qureshi fqureshi01 at
Wed May 9 12:35:26 EDT 2012


I've been a member for a few years and wanted to share a new job
opportunity.  My company just green-lighted a new venture - a travel
reviews web app.  We've gotten funding and are looking for a lead engineer.
 It would be great to work with someone from the NYPHP community.

If you're looking to work at a startup but with the security of a large
company, this is a great opportunity.  More details are in the job
description (link below) but essentially looking for someone who has built
consumer-facing web apps and can lead the engineering effort.  If we get it
right, we'll change how people shop for cruises and travel.

This is a full-time onsite (in Manhattan) role.  Feel free to email me -
fqureshi01 [at] gmail [dot] com if you have questions or want to discuss.

Description and how to apply:


Faraz Qureshi
Entrepreneur, GM at World Travel Holdings
fqureshi at

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