[nycphp-jobs] Attention NYC Recruiters with PHP openings!

Sue Fehser sue at
Wed Nov 21 17:01:25 EST 2012

Hi there, and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!  Lately, I've gotten the feeling that this list has more tech recruiters than actual php developers subscribing to it -- so here's hoping I'm reaching my target audience.


I have two excellent developer candidates that I'm trying to place in NYC and thought I'd investigate whether anyone knew of a position that could be a fit.  If you're an in-house recruiter who is open to working with an agency, please get in touch with me.  Or, if you're an agency-recruiter that could benefit from sharing your job openings, I'm open to partnering with you if you'd like to collaborate on your search.


My first candidate is a Wordpress/PHP developer w/ experience with name brand, high-traffic ad-serving sites, between 3-4 years experience (all in PHP), great personality.  


My second candidate has a CS degree from a top school, strong developer background (Java),  newer to PHP , also a great personality.  


Casual company culture / work-life balance is very important to these candidates. If you have something interesting to share please let me know.  The PHP opportunities that I'm working on at the moment require strong OO PHP programming and would not be a fit for these candidates, but I'd like to try to help them. 


(Note:  If you're an OO PHP developer and actually reading this, and you're thinking about changing jobs after the holidays - get in touch with me!)


Best regards,




Sue Fehser 

President & Co-Founder

R I V E R V I E W   
R E C R U I T I N G  L L C

(T E L)   888-949-5678  

(F A X)  888-949-0525

(c e l l )  201-918-9831


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