[mambo] Comparison Help Needed

Thomas O'Neill tommyo at
Thu Apr 28 11:25:19 EDT 2005


You could spen the money that you are saving from buying a CMS to pay a 
company or consultant to do the customization. 

I know of a great company with some excellant programmers and designers on 
staf :)

I think your going to get more out of mambo for cheaper in the long run. 

1. You will get all the open free components and modules that people activly 

2. you will get free upgrades as the product continues to grow and mature. 

3. More importantly you will be using a product that is very popular among 
web professionals so you will easily be able to find new employees with 
mambo experience, free technical support from user forums and user groups, 
and extensive online documentation that will only continue to grow.

Also when selling mambo to the boss you might mention some of the industry 
recognition it has received. I haven't been keeping up but it seems like the 
awards are just stacking up.

I say the clear choice is mambo..

-Tom O'Neill
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