[mambo] Mambo gets a new name!

Hans Kaspersetz hans at
Wed Aug 31 16:26:21 EDT 2005

What do I do with that tatoo I got recently?

Hans K

Mitch Pirtle wrote:

>On 8/31/05, David Mintz <dmintz at> wrote:
>>And here's your new motto: "It's not a fork, it's rebranding"
>Better than Miro's:  "They brought you Mambo, we bring you Dumbo."
>>Seriously, though, about the book, it would be nice if it isn't totally
>>useless as soon as I get my hands on it.
>That book will be good for quite some time, honest. The 4.5.x tree
>still has some life in it yet, and the 4.5.3 release doesn't change
>things as much as it adds things (and really won't be ready for
>another month at best).
>-- Mitch

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