[joomla] Joomla (Mambo) Hack?

Stephen Musgrave stephen at
Fri Dec 2 11:25:56 EST 2005

Hello -

I installed Mambo about a year ago for a client and the night before 
Thanksgiving, the home page was defaced (and plenty of other files were 
uploaded to the server but didn't overwrite Mambo files).

I'm wondering if it is a Mambo exploit or not - I thought the list 
would know.  And if not, if there is directory of exploits and their 
descriptions so that I may determine what happened.

The hack was done by "A n o m a l y   1 n   t h e   S y s t e m C r E 
W" (A1TS).  Heard of these guys?

Mambo Version: Mambo 4.5.1a Stable [Three For Rum] 29/09/2004 20:11 GMT

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