[joomla] Tutorship.

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Sat Dec 3 10:54:29 EST 2005

On 12/3/05, Alfonso gagliano <alfonsogagliano at> wrote:
> Dear All,
> my name is Alfonso, I moved recently from Italy to NY, and i am working in
> wine business.
> For university studies I have as an assignment to prepare a dinamic site
> using Mambo.
> I invite member of the mailing list to offer their expertise on how to deal
> with Mambo (in exchange for wine knowledge.. ;-) .

How about working with one of the former Mambo core developers on a
Wine Cellar component? There are two things that I must point out

1) I'm now a Joomla! developer (the whole Mambo team left in August to
form so I'm going to do my work in Joomla!, not mambo

2) I need your expertise on how to categorize French wines, as they
don't put the varietal on the label. This is keeping me from finishing
the database design, as all the other countries publish the varietal
so that is what I was using to identify each wine by "type"

I'd love to work with you on such a component, as long as we released
it to the community under an open source license.

The only thing I want out of you is help finding a decent grappa here
in NYC, as the only ones I can find are either taste like paint
thinner, taste like cough syrup, or cost $200/bottle. I mean, how in
the world am I to sit here and smoke all these great cigars, when I
cannot find a decent grappa?!?!

Mitch Pirtle
Joomla! Core Developer
Open Source Matters

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