[joomla] E-mail aware modules

William Barnett booksmartbilly at
Tue Dec 6 20:47:15 EST 2005

On 12/6/05, Mitch Pirtle <mitch.pirtle at> wrote:
> On 12/5/05, William Barnett <booksmartbilly at> wrote:
> > Currently, I'm looking into the best method to gain access to e-mail
> > features. I'm leaning toward the PEAR "Mail" package but I would like
> > to survey other e-mail aware Joomla modules (if they exist). Thus I
> > would appreciate hearing from anyone involved in the development of,
> > or who knows of the existance of any Joomla modules that make use of
> > e-mail.
> Hey BIll,
> Joomla! 1.0.x makes use of PHPMailer, which most likely will do
> whatever you need it to do. I'm generating the API reference
> documentation right now, and will put it up on the Joomla! website
> (somewhere) when it is done.
> For an example, take a look at com_contact, as that is a class that
> also calls PHPMailer to send an email message.
> --
> Mitch Pirtle
> Joomla! Core Developer
> Open Source Matters


Hello Mitch,

Do you have a timeframe for the API documentation release so I can
update my release projections? Thanks for your prompt reply.



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