[joomla] E-mail aware modules

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Thu Dec 8 21:27:29 EST 2005

On 12/7/05, William Barnett <booksmartbilly at> wrote:
> Good question. I'm eager to hear the reply. Furthermore, is there a
> built-in e-mail facility in the core that can be utilized by other
> components and modules or is each module responsible to supply their
> own facility such as that in com_contact?

Well, com_contact is using the mosMail method calls, which are based
on PHPMailer.

The API documentation I just generated the other day... Does anybody
else here want it?  The BZ2 is only half a meg :-)

Mitch Pirtle
Joomla! Core Developer
Open Source Matters

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