[mambo] why mambo?

leam at leam at
Sat Feb 26 06:14:55 EST 2005

Well, if it wuz good enough for granpa...    :)

For me it was a combination of reasons, not really technical. First, I really wanted a shopping cart for a customer and the only ones the hosting service offered were perl based, hit the server too hard, and perl based. I dislike perl.

Of the php shopping carts I didn't like the lack of security in OScommerce (register_globals must be on) and ZenCart (chmod 777 in direcotries). 

An active, friendly developer on the same e-mail list is a big plus as well.

Mambo has its issues, like some of the same security problems, configuration changes not populating, and hangs, but I feel more comfortable with an active community than I do with something where I don't know anyone. Since my cleints needs are relatively minimal I'm trying to filter out what's broken and give them what a stable product.



On Fri, Feb 25, 2005 at 11:19:38PM -0500, Edward J. Weinberg wrote:
> This is not a troll.
> Why did you choose Mambo?  There are over 200 CMS projects, most of them
> open source, on
> About a year ago I installed about 7 CMS projects on my Apache server.
> All used php and mysql.
> I found that I could not evaluate them without installing and
> configuring them.
> Mambo was one of the CMS projects I installed.  I don't remember what I
> did not like about it, but I found a few others were more mature.  I met
> the Mambo developers at LinuxWorld in NYC last year and two weeks ago in
> Boston.  I still was not convinced.
> I found three I liked:
>   Geeklog (Groklaw runs on it)
>   Drupal
>   E107
> I ended up using Geeklog because I liked it's security structure better.
> Why did you choose Mambo?
> -- 
> Edward J. Weinberg <nylug at>

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