[mambo] PHP Shop and CSV Mime Type Problem

Chris Hendry chris.hendry at
Mon Feb 28 15:32:48 EST 2005

Maybe ugly windows line breaks in the csv file from excel?  Try a plain text
editor to make you changes.

| -----Original Message-----
| From: mambo-bounces at 
| [mailto:mambo-bounces at] On Behalf Of Hans C. Kaspersetz
| Sent: Monday, February 28, 2005 2:51 PM
| To: NYPHP SIG: Mambo
| Subject: [mambo] PHP Shop and CSV Mime Type Problem
| I have two problems today and both are with the same vanilla 
| installation.  Requisite information: Win XP, Apache 1.3.x, 
| MySQL 4.1.  
| I installed the MamboV4.5.2.1_mambo-phpShop-Edition.tar.gz 
| edition this morning and I am having problems with the CSV 
| uploading of products.  I exported the product list from 
| Mambo, I installed the sample data, to a csv file.  I opened 
| the file in Excel and modified a couple of entries.  
| I saved the file as comma separated csv and went to use the 
| upload function in PHP Shop component.  I am getting an alert 
| box with the following error: "Mime type not accepted.  Type 
| for file uploaded: 
| text/x-csv."  Any ideas on how to make this work?
| The other weird problem is, I can login into the admin 
| through Firefox but when I try and login through IE I just 
| get kicked back to the login screen.  No wrong password 
| message or anything. 
| So there you have it.
| Hans
| -- 
| Hans C. Kaspersetz
| Cyber X Designs
| Office: 201-558-7929
| Mobile: 201-681-4156
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