[mambo] Re: Mambo (was: Consulting work)

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Sun Jul 3 14:51:02 EDT 2005

On 7/3/05, Ryan Ozimek <cozimek at> wrote:
> Hey Mitch,
> In your email below, you posted the following:
> > Right now Mambo is not really suited for blogging, but we are about to
> > release a GPL blogging component that is really crazy. After that
> > point, then there is really very little that Mambo cannot do, and do
> > well.
> Where can one check out this component for blogging?  Sounds like
> something the community is really going to enjoy!

We will be releasing it as soon as it is at a packaged state. Right
now we are done with comments and integrating trackbacks; and perhaps
the neatest thing is that each blog can have a different blog type,
and each blog type can have a different display template.

So a blog about events could have extra information about dates and
locations in the headers, and a blog about music could include extra
fields about bands and genres, for example.

What this really means is that you can now have meta-content within
Mambo, where each part of the site can have content with different
fields of information associated with them.

We will announce the release, promise ;-)

-- Mitch

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