[mambo] Howto add session variables to Mambo 4.5.x

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Sun Jul 10 00:32:24 EDT 2005

I am in agreement with you Hans, and think we need to provide for this
in the API.

The existing implementation is not up to snuff, but we are trying to
get 4.5.3 out the door so it will not make it in this release.

Just thinking out loud, we have two realistic approaches for the 4.6 release:

    1) rewrite the session class to not require core/table mods
    2) incorporate the session handler included with ADOdb

I immediately like #2 as it provides instant gratification, but I also
dislike having Mambo's core functionality to depend too much on
external libraries. So it will definitely happen in the 4.6 release,
but I cannot promise at this point whether it will be homegrown or
from an existing library.

Also, using database-backed sessions means easy support for
high-traffic sites that have multiple apaches in front of a clustered
mysql backend. So the klunky solution at the moment still has merit

Your pains however, Hans, have been heard!

Mitch Pirtle
Mambo Core Developer

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