[mambo] shop suey ;)

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Tue Jun 14 08:36:07 EDT 2005

On 6/14/05, Alberto dos Santos <acas at> wrote:
> Hello List. 
> I have just discovered Mambo, as I was trying to develop a CMS tool myself,
> and I surrender, it is just a too great tool to ignore, I'm using it. 

The exact same thing happened to me, and now I am a core developer.
Resistance is futile ;-)

> My problem is: which shop app goes better with Mambo? phpShop or
> mosCommerce?

My immediate answer is neither - but I haven't taken a look at
mosCommerce lately, and will be playing with it this afternoon to see
how well it has come along.

My experience is that you take two applications that are fairly
complex and full of features (say, Mambo and mosCommerce) and try to
connect the two. The result will always be less than optimal, as the
integration part is very complicated and requires some unpleasant
hacking to get one of the applications to talk to the other one in the
same lingo.

Until someone provides a Mambo-native storefront, I suspect this
decision will be choosing between the lesser of two evils. Not that
either is evil, but the integration of either with Mambo is a
complicated and error-prone effort.

Mitch Pirtle
Mambo Core Developer

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