[mambo] Shop again

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Sat Mar 12 20:27:31 EST 2005

On Sat, 12 Mar 2005 19:52:43 -0500 (GMT-05:00), inforequest
<hc1vdt402 at> wrote:
> I don't want to SSLify the entire website, as that would be slow. Chris is integrating a shopping cart, and the admin sections should of course be SSLable, but the rest of the site would suffer unduly under SSL. there appears to be some historical requesting of SSL for the admin side.

Sorry I wasn't being clear enough - what I want to know is how Mambo
can solve these problems, and what we will have to count on the
authors of mambo-phpshop to fix...

It is clear to me that no one would want to send their entire website
over SSL ;-)

-- Mitch

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