[mambo] Howto? Upload html file and post it?

leam at leam at
Wed Mar 23 19:55:22 EST 2005

On Wed, Mar 23, 2005 at 09:27:23AM -0500, Mitch Pirtle wrote:
> Hey Leam,
> Nice to see you back ;-)
> On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 06:11:55 -0500, leam at <leam at> wrote:
> > If I have an html file, how do I upload it and post it?
> Depends on how exactly you want to display the file. If you want that
> html file to be treated just like content, you can cut-n-paste into a
> blank content item to 'insert' it as content. If you want the page to
> be viewed completely outside Mambo, you could just use ftp and drop it
> at the document root for your site.
> Are there other ways or reasons that you would try to do this?
> -- Mitch

Yes, of course. If I were to have a client who had a static page site and wanted things moved over quickly, how easy would it be for them to migrate things to Mambo keeping the static pages where they are until they get into the CMS? 

A simple guide "Here's how you put links on your Mambo front page to your static pages, and have them pop up in a seperate window. Or the same window."



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