[joomla] Create RSS feeds for individuals categories in Joomla

Rasheq Rahman rasheq.rahman at
Wed Aug 23 20:31:39 EDT 2006

Hi all:

I haven't been able to find a component / module that does this so I'm
asking here. I'm basically looking to recreate a hardcopy newspaper online
as a Joomla site. One thing I'd like to do is convert the sections of the
paper into Joomla sections/categories and then create individual RSS feeds
for each category and section. Basically, a visitor would click on a
category like sports and see the title of the article plus intro text in a
vertical list and at the top by the Section header it an RSS button would be
created that would link to a feed of all the stories in the category. Any
ideas on how to do this? If not, is this something hard to roll on my own?

Thanks for you help,

Rasheq Rahman
rasheq.rahman at
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