[joomla] Dev issues

bz-gmort at bz-gmort at
Wed Aug 15 16:49:03 EDT 2007

Mitch Pirtle wrote:
> Wow, look at all these responses, the list comes back to life!
> On 8/15/07, Donna Marie Vincent <donnamarievincent at> wrote:
>> Mitch, how about a workshop on writing extensions?
> I would love to do that but would have to focus on 1.5. I haven't
> really worked with 1.0 in quite a long time, and also think that once
> folks understand what 1.5 brings to the table everyone will adopt it
> as the series of choice.

How about a series on what the difference is between 1.5 and 1.0.12 

A lot of it seems to remain the same.  The big difference seems to be 
where in 1.0.12 you do table lookups to make certain determinations, 
Joomla 1.5 has added a bunch of API's.  That and the whole idea of 
turning it into an event driven system. 

But outside of certain items, event driven systems are overblown and 
often used just to be used.  The more events that need to be checked, 
the more the system get's bogged down.  But where it makes sense, it 
shines(the user events system makes me drool, it would be soooo perfect 
to integrate Joomla with Kickapps as an example.  I'm seriously 
considering setting up one 1.5 site just to do that)

I for one would appreciate knowing what is in 1.5 for developers, as 
while I might not use it, if I know that there is a function that does 
X, than rather embed code that does X in my own code - I'll make it a 
function call so it is easy to swap out with the 1.5 code to upgrade.

I think 1.5 brings a lot to the table, but I'm not gonna wait for them 
to get developers to upgrade, especially since the Joomla team seems to 
have down a good job of annoying a bunch of developers for no reason 
other than stupidity(there was no reason to get involved in a 
philosophical war.)

What I do find amusing though is I keep seeing 'that's on the table for 
1.6" for ideas I'm looking to do in 1.0.  Ain't gonna wait for them to 
get that finalized either.  I'll do my own thing and than play catch up 
when their ready(and of course their free to take my thing and polish it 
up and make it 1.5 compliant and turn my code into decent code if they want)

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