[joomla] site path missing a 'dot' -- how to fix ?

forest compustretch at
Wed Mar 7 13:02:42 EST 2007

Thanks Ajai, the answer is no, I didn't look in configuration.php until
AFTER I had my coffee and also after I sent that email.

We apologise for any inconvience and return you to your regular programming.


On 3/7/07, Ajai Khattri <ajai at> wrote:
> On Wed, 7 Mar 2007, forest wrote:
> > A joomla site I am working on has decided it wants to point to "127.0.01
> "
> > for the live site instead of ""
> >
> > (I am not sure what caused this, but of course it keeps it from serving
> > pages correctly.)
> >
> > Under (global) configuration the live site address is readable but not
> > editable-- can someone tell me where on the back end I can add the
> required
> > dot back in?
> Have you looked in configuration.php? Maybe mosConfig_live_site setting?
> --
> Aj. (ajai at
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