[joomla] IE6 & Vista --> was Paypal Developer Day

Donna Marie Vincent donnamarievincent at
Mon Nov 5 13:03:18 EST 2007

So I signed up for Paypal Developer Day for this Thursday and when they called to confirm they said I need to bring my laptop.  

What laptop?!  I've been thinking about finally buying a laptop, and was looking at one with XP at, but I don't have time to order it and all the ones in the stores are Vista.

Has anyone set up IE6 to run on Vista using VPC?  I need to be able to test in IE6.

Or has anyone bought a Vista laptop and downgraded to XP?  

I didn't want to have to buy all new software, but my Photoshop 7 is so out of date, I may as well.

Is 2GB enough to run Photoshop, Dreamwever, Fireworks, text editor and several browser windows at the same time?  Someone said Vista uses 1GB just for the OS.

----- Original Message ----
From: "bz-gmort at" <bz-gmort at>
To: Joomla <joomla at>; NYPHP Talk <talk at>
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 9:31:38 AM
Subject: [joomla] Paypal Developer Day

I just received an email announcement that Paypal will be holding 2 
developer day presentations(9AM to 5PM) in New York.

One in Brooklyn on November 8th, and one in Manhattan on November 9th.

It's a free all day presentation, plus you can take their 
"certification" exam for free at the event(whatever that means).

I don't have a direct link to the event(or rather, my direct link 
emailed to me is tied to my Paypal account)  so if your interested you 
will need to sign up for their developer network and than look for the 
announcement on their site.
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