[joomla] IE6 & Vista --> was Paypal Developer D

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Mon Nov 5 13:55:45 EST 2007

On 11/5/07, Donna Marie Vincent <donnamarievincent at> wrote:
> I have been considering a Mac for the first time because I really don't want
> to go with Vista, but I'm concerned about the learning curve.  I've been
> using Windows since v3.1 (1993).  Can an old dog learn Mac without losing
> productivity?

My wife sums it up thusly:

"Honey, when you used Windows you spent all day swearing at the
computer. Then you went back to Linux/UNIX and spent the day swearing
at yourself. Now you sit on your MacBook and listen to your

God, I love that woman.

> Does MacBook need 2GB to run Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, et al.
> concurrently?

The one I linked to comes with 2GB installed. :-)

-- Mitch

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