[joomla] Template structure

masimko at masimko at
Tue Nov 13 15:50:58 EST 2007

I'm looking through the documentation, and I've noticed that the template structures I've looked at so far are using tables for placement of modules. While I realize that this is by far the simplest method of insuring placement across browsers because of differences in rendering of css, I know it is deprecated for xhtml.I considered putting together my own template that uses div tags and css blocks, it looks to me like the mosLoadModules functions relies upon table cells for its output.Am I correct that all workable templates are structured with tables?Is there a movement toward strict xhtml with block level css used for placement of modules?The current system requires a lot of pieces and blocks to put together a good looking page. There would likely be a trade off in moving to strict xhtml, in that there would need to be a lot of hacks and conditional statements to achieve layouts that aren't nealy as predictable. There might also be difficulties in keeping the presentation layer seperated from the content layer.I see now that there is some coverage of this topic coming up at the nydreamweaver meeting. Should be interesting.Best regards,Mark Simko
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